Germany, a nation shaped by its history of religious persecution, is now facing new challenges to the fundamental right of faith-based freedom. Recent legalpolicies initiatives have ignited debate over the role of religion in public life, casting a shadow over the future of faith in Germany. Many religious groups are raising alarm over what they s… Read More
valladolid canonización nuevo mundo católica américa evangelización isabel lutero confessio augustana iglesia neighborhood El ten de mayo, Francisco fue visitado en la Ciudad del Vaticano por el Patriarca de Alejandría, Teodoro II, en un intento de acercamiento recíproco «hacia la unidad plena» del cristianismo. Con el deseo de que esa fec… Read More
In 2021, a lot more than two thirds of the French populace supported the abolition on the concordat, although the inhabitants on the Alsace-Moselle location had been a lot less obsessed with it. The tensions surrounding this regional particularity suggest that the debate about the definition of secularism in France is still much from around. This t… Read More